Use "muse|muses" in a sentence

1. "Old is New NPM Image Advertisement" wins Gold Award in 2006 American Association of Museums "MUSE Award".

Die "Alt ist neu Image-Werbung des NPM " gewinnt den Goldenen Preis des "MUSE Award 2006" des Amerikanischen Museumsverbandes.

2. The poet is shown flanked by figures from the Odyssey and Iliad, with the nine Muses standing above them and a procession of worshippers approaching an altar, believed to represent the Alexandrine Homereion. Apollo , god of music and poetry, also appears, along with a female figure tentatively identified as Mnemosyne , the mother of the Muses.

Ein weiterer Aspekt der „Homerischen Frage“ ist die Datierung der beiden Epen: Hätte die deutlich jüngere Odyssee überhaupt noch während der Lebenszeit des Ilias-Autors geschrieben sein können?

3. The first chosen artist was the only one author of Musa Agreste (Pastoral Muse); he created at Testori F& C company from Cannobio (partner of Assograniti) a real scale sculpture.

Der örtliche verwendete Stein war Serizzo.

4. Still under the alias Rocket Baby Dolls they won the school's battle of the bands which led them to take the band seriously, and decided to change their name to a more "professional" name, Muse.

Ironischerweise erreichte Origin of Symmetry vorerst nicht die amerikanischen Plattenläden.

5. On the west side of the park, four pavilions inform about the life and work of Orpheus and the Muses; in the immediate vicinity is a small open-air theater, which was created in the form of an ancient amphitheater.

An der Westseite wird in vier Pavillons über das Leben und Wirken von Orpheus und den Musen informiert; in direkter Nachbarschaft liegt ein kleines Freilichttheater, das in der Form eines antiken Amphitheaters angelegt wurde.

6. The first three models chosen at the International Competition of Sculpture La pietra e la Musa Agreste (Stone and its Pastoral Muse) left Domodossola to be shown at the biennal exhibition Alpi365Expo in Turin, where AssopiemonteLeader + had a stand, during October 2007. Then all the participants' models were shown in the Municipal building of Domodossola, sala Mellerio.

Im Laufe des Monats Oktober 2007, haben die ersten drei ausgewählten Modelle des internationalen Skulpturwettbewerbs La Pietra e La musa Agreste die Stadt von Domodossola verlassen nach Turin "Expo 365 Biennale della Montagna" - Stand AssoPiemonte Leader +.